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'01 (Richard Müller album)

Released in 2001,''´01'' is the seventh solo album by the Slovak singer
Richard Müller. Müller wrote most of the lyrics and, due to the death of his favourite composer Jaro Filip, Müller also composed half of the music. The album was critically well received,〔(Various reviews ) 〕 and placed at number 9 in the Czech musicserver.cz's list of the 25 best Czech and Slovak albums of the decade.〔(Top 25 česko-slovenských alb dekády (15-6) ) 〕
== Track listing ==
# "Už asi nie si" (Richard Müller, Müller) – 3:49
# "Spočítaj ma" (Müller, Jaro Filip) – 4:33
# "2 líšky" (Ivan Tásler, Müller) – 6:10
# "Cítim" (Müller, Müller) – 4:08
# "Do čista" (Müller, Müller) – 4:03
# "Studňa" (Tásler / Vlado Krausz) – 3:42
# "Ako vánok" (Marcel Buntaj, Tásler, Müller, Filip) – 3:09
# "Rieka" (Tásler, Müller) – 5:05
# "Ráno" (Müller, Filip) – 5:22
# "Nahý II" (Tásler, Müller) – 3:59
# "Planý poplach duše" (Filip, Müller) – 5:39
12th track of album is 1:09 excerpt of early version of ''Planý poplach duše'' song sung by song composer Jaro Filip.〔

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